Archives of Virology

All 1999 volumes.
ISSN 0304-8608
Springer-Verlag Wien
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Largest and smallest complete viral particles solved by X-Ray crystallography. Both structures are reprented here to scale. The larger structure is simian virus 40 (PDB entry 1SVA, Stehle et. al. 1996), a Polyomavirus from the Papovaviridae family. The non-enveloped icosahedral particles, ~45 nm in diameter contains the circular dsDNA genome. 72 pentameric capsomers are arrange on a T=7d icosahedral lattice, 12 strict pentamers at the icosahedral vertices have only 5 neighbouring capsomers while the other and 60 pentameric capsomers are arranged in hexamers. View is along an icosahedral 2-fold axis of symmetry.

The small structure is that of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (PDB entry 2STV, Unge et. al. 1980). The non-enveloped icosahedral particles, ~17 nm in diameter contains the linear ssRNA genome. 60 proteins are arranges on a T=1 icosahedral lattice. View is along an icosahedral 5-fold axis of symmetry.

T.STEHLE,S.J.GAMBLIN,Y.YAN,S.C.HARRISON The structure of simian virus 40 refined at 3.1 A resolution STRUCTURE (LONDON) 4, 165 1996

T.UNGE,L.LILJAS,B.STRANDBERG,I.VAARA,K.K.KANNAN, K.FRIDBORG,C.E.NORDMAN,P.J.LENTZ JUNIOR Satellite tobaco necrosis virus structure at 4.0 A resolution NATURE 285,373 1980

Note added 2021: 2STV has been replaced (superseded) by 2BUK, Jones and Liljas, 1984.

T.A.JONES,L.LILJAS Structure of Satellite Tobacco Necrosis Virus After Crystallographic Refinement at 2.5 A Resolution. J Mol Biol 177: 735