US Geological Survey (USGS)
Occurrence and Distribution of Enteric Viruses in Shallow Ground Water and Factors Affecting Well Vulnerability to Microbiological Contamination in Worcester and Wicomico Counties, Maryland. Banks, W.S.L. and Klohe C.A. (US Geological Survey) and Batigelli D.A. (Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene).
Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4147
In cooperation with the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Click on images below to see larger versions.
Cover photograph (Copyright © 2001, US Geological Survey): Molecular surface of Poliovirus Type 1 Mahoney, radially depth cued, as solved by X-ray crystallography (Image © 1999 Jean-Yves Sgro, University of Wisconsin Institute for Molecular Virology.)
Surface rendering from atomic coordinates (PDB ID 2PLV) is radially depth cued by color and was created with the program GRASP (A.Nicholls) on Silicon Graphics. .
Filman, D. J., Syed, R., Chow, M., Macadam, A. J., Minor, P. D., Hogle, J. M.: Structural factors that control conformational transitions and serotype specificity in type 3 poliovirus. EMBO J 8 pp. 1567 (1989)
Virus Image created by JY Sgro