H Rmarkdown resources
A web engine search will provide a lot of possible references for R markdown. Here are a few that I found useful:
Name | Web site |
Getting Used to R, RStudio, and R Markdow Chester Ismay and Patrick C. Kennedy 2019-11-12 | https://ismayc.github.io/rbasics-book/ |
R Markdown Quick Tour - Overview (Video) | https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/authoring_quick_tour.html |
Introduction to R Markdown | https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/articles_intro.html |
Knitr with R Markdown | https://kbroman.org/knitr_knutshell/pages/Rmarkdown.html |
R Markdown and Publishing (R Cookbook, 2nd Edition) | https://rc2e.com/rmarkdown |
Writing documents with R Markdown | https://monashbioinformaticsplatform.github.io/2017-11-16-open-science-training/topics/rmarkdown.html |
R markdown document | https://mgimond.github.io/ES218/Misc01.html |
R Markdown (for Data Science) | https://r4ds.had.co.nz/r-markdown.html |
Getting started in R markdown | https://www.statsandr.com/blog/getting-started-in-r-markdown/ |
Templates are also available online, for example:
Name | Web site |
R Markdown TEMPLATES | https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/gallery.html |