Chapter 7 Alignment Results

The results of the alignment of complete spike glycoprotein sequences is shown in Appendix A in Clustal format as plain text.

The authors of the full-lentgh alignment presented in Walls et al. (2020) supplementary material “Data S1” do not provide specific explanations about the computation of the alignment and if there was any manual, human intervention.

Even though it is not mentioned in the manuscript it is most probable that their supplemental figure16 was created from the original text alignment through the ESPript server: “‘Easy Sequencing in PostScript’, is a program which renders sequence similarities and secondary structure information from aligned sequences for analysis and publication purpose.


Walls, A. C., Y. J. Park, M. A. Tortorici, A. Wall, A. T. McGuire, and D. Veesler. 2020. “Structure, Function, and Antigenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein.” Cell 181 (2): 281–92.

  1. The link to the full-length sequence aligment is not trivial to find. It can be found at and was archived at↩︎